Donna is an enchanting 8-week-old Gray Female Chinchilla, renowned for her gentle demeanor and soft, luxurious coat. Perfect for those who cherish tranquil companionship and the serene presence of a loving pet.
What Makes Donna Unique
Donna’s calm and soothing nature makes her an excellent companion for both seasoned pet owners and first-time chinchilla caretakers. She enjoys quiet times and loves gentle handling, always ready to cuddle in the comfort of your lap.
Your Adoption Package Includes:
- Health Insurance: Initial coverage to ensure Donna’s continued health and well-being.
- 3-Month Food Supply: Specially formulated to nurture her growth and vitality.
- Essential Supplies: Including a cozy carrier, starter cage setup, and soft bedding.
- Ongoing Support: Our experts are on hand to help you provide Donna with the best possible care.