Buy dark standard chinchilla George to become happier
What is it like to be such an adorable chinchilla like George? We think that being a chin means reveling in love. George is used to it, so if you want to buy a male dark standard chinchilla, get ready to spend a few hours playing with this funny little one. Or you can set up a few ladders and bricks for George to keep him busy for hours.
George has a chinchilla brother Leo. They sleep and play together, love to learn tricks, and discover the world. They are inseparable day and night, and we will be happy if they both stay with you.
How to take care of a dark standard chinchilla for sale?
Buying a chinchilla is a big responsibility. Although George is not demanding, some of his needs may be unpredictable. Here are some facts to help you make George’s life more comfortable:
- Chinchillas have thick fur and may overheat. Therefore, George’s place should be well-ventilated.
- Chins are afraid of unexpected changes. When in a room with George, you should speak calmly and avoid turning on bright lights.
- Dark standard chinchillas for sale have an instinct for chewing on something, which means you’ll need to put twigs, wooden toys, or chalk blocks in George’s cage.
- Chinchillas bathe in dust, not water, which is vital for them. You’ll need to ensure George can bathe in dust at least once a week.
George will live 18-20 years if you follow these recommendations and provide him with the necessary medical care. At Chinchilla For Sale, we’ve done everything for your future pet to grow up healthy and tame. So, if you are dreaming of a bosom chin buddy, buy this dark standard chinchilla.
If you live in the USA, we can deliver George to you within a week.